Select image to upload:

Yes, I am at least 18 years old and confirm the "Consent to Use Photos" on behalf of all individuals depicted in the photo.

Please confirm your consent

Any adult over the age of 18 is invited to participate, regardless of age, origin, gender, or sexual orientation. Before photos are published, they are manually checked and anonymized. Photos that do not comply with legal requirements, contain political statements, sexist content, or similar expressions will be sorted out. If there are any unintended misjudgments, we ask you to inform us at the email address We assure you that we will promptly review each such case.

Consent for the Use of Photos

By ticking the box in the electronic declaration of consent, I confirm that I am of legal age and agree that the photos taken and uploaded by me may be used free of charge within the framework of the "TOGETHER NOW" campaign for publication

  • on the website
  • in (print) publications
  • on social media platforms

of the association HAND FÜR HAND e.V. and may also be stored for this purpose.

I am aware that photos in online media can be accessed by anyone. Despite all technical precautions, it cannot be ruled out that such persons may reuse the photos or pass them on to others

I have also reviewed the privacy policy.

This consent is voluntary and can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.

If the publications or recordings are available in online media, removal will be carried out to the extent of feasibility with reasonable matters for the organisation HAND for HAND e.V.

If other persons besides myself are depicted in photos uploaded by me, I declare that I have obtained their declaration of consent to the above extent before uploading.

The revocation of consent by an individual person does not mean that the entire image has to be removed in the case of photos with several people depicted.